
How to get Soft and Smooth Hands and Feet in Winters?

What’s not to love about winter? It’s the perfect time to relax and look your best. You can cozy up by the fire with friends and family, or dress up and enjoy the fresh air. Winter is a great season for feeling both refreshed and relaxed.

So make the most of it! We all have our own reasons for loving or hating winter. For many of us, the cold weather takes a toll on our skin and hair. So we go to great lengths to keep our skin and hair healthy and resistant to the harsh conditions. But is that all? Aren’t we forgetting something very important? What about the effect of winter on our hands and feet? Yes, memories of cracked feet and rough hands would be dancing in your head now!

There are several reasons why our hands and feet get dry during the winter months, and it’s not just because of the cold weather. One of the main reasons for our hands and feet drying out is because of the soap we use.

It’s possible that the soap we use is non-moisturizing, and with every wash, it takes away moisture from our hands and feet instead of adding moisture. Similarly, taking excessively hot baths during winters can also lead to dry hands and feet. People who keep washing their hands frequently also feel their hands getting rough.

If your hands or feet are so dry that the skin starts cracking and bleeding, it’s important to take action immediately. This can lead to infections and make your situation worse. Here are some easy tips and remedies to treat dry hands and feet.

Home Remedies to get Soft Hands This Winters!

How do you think people react when you shake their hand and yours is dry and rough? Not well, right? So, instead of buying and using expensive cosmetic products to keep your hands soft, try out some of these home remedies; they’re easy and cheap!


Steaming is not only good for face cleansing; it is also good for your hands. A steam session will not only remove all the dead cells, but will also remove any kind of dirt that might have accumulated on the surface.

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All you need to do is take a bowl with steaming hot water and steam your hands, both sides. Since steaming removes the dead cells, it will also soften your rough hands. Don’t forget to apply a lotion or petroleum jelly after the steam session, so the moisture stays intact on the surface.

Petroleum Jelly

This is the easiest way to treat rough, dry hands! Petroleum jelly is present in almost every household and applying it will soften your hands and keep the moisture locked in for long. You must have noticed that when you wake up in the morning, your hands are always dry. Petroleum jelly is the best way to wake up with soft hands! All you need to do is apply a good coat of petroleum jelly on your hands and gently massage it for 5-10 minutes every night before sleeping. Don’t remove it or wash your hands; let the jelly get absorbed into your skin overnight.

Egg Yolk

Egg yolk is a great ingredient for soft, moisturized hands. The proteins in egg yolk are perfect for treating even the driest hands. Just apply an egg yolk to both hands and let it dry (approximately 30 minutes).

Rinse with a mild soap, and you’ll notice a difference in the texture of your palms and hands. If your hands aren’t too dry, you should apply egg yolk three times a week, not every day.

Sugar and Castor oil/Olive oil

Just like you exfoliate your face, your hands also need some exfoliation from time to time. To do this easily, you’ll need some sugar (preferably brown sugar) and some castor oil.

Don’t pour too much castor oil in at once, as we don’t want the sugar granules to melt right away. Gently scrub your hands with this mixture until the sugar melts. Wash your hands with warm water and pat them dry with a soft cloth or paper napkins. You can also use olive oil instead of castor oil if you prefer.

Baking Soda

If you’re looking for an easy way to exfoliate your hands, look no further than baking soda. Baking soda will remove all the dead cells and dirt, giving your skin an even texture; it will also add moisture to your hands.

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All you need to do is mix adequate portions of baking soda with water and gently massage it on your hands till it dries out. Rinse off with warm water and apply a lotion or petroleum jelly after massaging.

Home Remedies for Soft feet!

Having cracked feet can be really embarrassing, but fortunately there are some easy ways to get rid of the problem. Read on for some great foot masks and tips that will help you get rid of cracked skin quickly!

Banana Foot Mask

For an easy and affordable at-home foot treatment, try using banana and honey! Banana is a natural oil-absorber, making it great for those with oily skin, while honey is a natural emollient, perfect for those with dry skin.

Simply mash half a banana with a spoon and add one or two tablespoons of honey, then mix well. Apply the paste to your feet – don’t forget to get in between your toes! – then cover with plastic wrap or a shower cap. Let the mixture sit for 15-20 minutes, then remove the plastic and rinse your feet with warm water. Pat dry and enjoy soft, smooth feet!

Cucumber Therapy

Cucumbers are a great way to treat dry skin, be it for your face or for your body. Cucumbers are refreshing and come with a lot of nourishing and moisturising components, which will treat your dry foot. It will also remove all the dead skin, making it soft.

For this foot mask, you will need one cucumber and some honey. Peel the cucumber and blend it with a blender. Blend it until you get a smooth consistency. Add one tablespoon of honey to the cucumber paste and blend again. Now apply this paste all over your feet and let it stay for 15-20 minutes.

Sugar and Olive oil

Just like we cleanse our face and hair, our feet also require regular exfoliation! Scrubbing or exfoliating helps to get rid of dry skin, dead cells, and accumulated dirt and germs that can make our feet rough.

One of the best ways to gently exfoliate your feet is by using sugar and olive oil. Take a small bowl and pour one tablespoon of olive oil; add one tablespoon of sugar as well. Mix it, but not too much as we do not want the sugar to dissolve right away.

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Gently massage the mixture onto your feet in a circular motion for a few minutes, paying special attention to the heels and other areas that tend to be drier. Rinse your feet with warm water and pat them dry.

Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly isn’t just for your hands – your feet can benefit from it too! If you massage your feet with petroleum jelly for 10 minutes before bed every night, you’ll notice that they’ll be softer in the morning. Petroleum jelly is gentle enough for your feet, so why not give it a try?


Glycerin is a great way to treat dry, cracked feet, especially during the winter months. Many people apply it to their feet every day. Those with extremely dry feet may suffer from cracked skin year-round, but it gets worse during colder weather. Glycerin is an easy way to help relieve the pain and discomfort of dry, cracked feet.

To use glycerin, massage a few drops into your feet each night before bed. Spend at least 10 minutes massaging the glycerin into your skin. Let it stay on overnight for best results.

Hot Water Sake

Soaking your feet in hot water with a little bit of honey can help get rid of dry skin. Just make sure the water isn’t too hot, and soak your feet for 15-20 minutes. Then, use a pumice stone or toothbrush to scrub your feet in circular motions.

Foot Spa

There’s nothing quite like a professional pedicure or foot spa, especially during the winter months. While you can certainly try out foot masks at home, there’s nothing quite like letting the professionals take care of your feet. So, if you can, make sure to schedule regular pedicures at your local salon – your feet will thank you for it!

The above foot care techniques will help everyone out there to survive winter with soft and crack-free feet! Men and women both suffer from the same problems of dry feet and cracked soles, so don’t think twice about trying out these homemade face masks and scrubs for a soft foot right now! So, hair and skin are already taken care of, now our hands and feet are also looked into! Try out the remedies and choose your favourite! And if you don’t have time to devote, then keep going to the salon for regular pedicures and manicures! Happy winter everyone!

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