Things to Make Sure While Receiving the online packages
Things to Make Sure While Receiving the online packages
1) Please Make Sure, the Delivery guy who comes to give your parcel must be wearing a Mask and Gloves
2) Not to touch the Parcel with bare hands directly after receiving the pace, but you may sanitize the outer part of Parcel or use Gloves and Mask and use Sanitizers.
Pro Tip: Try Washing the outer packing of the parcel if possible.
Do Not Wash any Electrical Item
3) When the Delivery Person asks for the Signature, ask him to do on your behalf by himself, Don’t touch the Pen, Paper or Mobiles (for Digital Signature).
4) If Possible Keep the parcel Unboxed under a Sun Rays, to kill the virus and other bacterial infection.
Please don’t keep the products under direct sunlight which can be damaged like Grocery Items
Following these tips, we can prevent ourself to get suffered from COVID-19.
Stay Home Stay Safe.